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Generate a space for dialogue, reflection, analysis and exchange of knowledge, methodological and research experiences that allow sharing general foundations, specific and disciplinary, pedagogical and didactic knowledge in the teaching and learning process of Mathematics and Physics.



The V International Meeting of Mathematics and Physics, EnMaFi-2020, is an event aimed at teachers and teaching directors of basic, middle and higher education, as well as undergraduate, master's and doctoral professionals and researchers. The EnMaFi-2020 allows the participation of high school students.


EnMaFi 2020 Thematic Lines:

- Teacher training in Mathematics, Physics, statistics and astronomy

- Professional knowledge of the mathematics and physics teacher

- Curriculum and disciplinary approaches

- Reflection and analysis of the results in standardized tests

- Mathematical and Physical Sciences Competences

- Use of ICT in the teaching and learning process

- Research and its impact on educational and pedagogical practices

- Didactics of mathematics and physics


Thematic lines 10th National Congress of Physics and Astronomy Teaching:

  • History and Epistemology of Physics and Astronomy

  • Challenges and perspectives of teaching physics in the training of professionals in the 21st century

  • Contemporary contributions of pedagogy and psychology to the teaching process - learning of physics and astronomy

  • Experimentation in the teaching-learning process of physics and astronomy

  • The use of ICT technologies and communication

  • Teaching of astronomy at different educational levels

  • Teaching physics and astronomy in intercultural contexts

  • Educational reforms in physics teacher training processes

  • Professional knowledge of the physics teacher

  • Physics didactics

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Criteria for submitting proposals                         Instructions for uploading the papers

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